Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Featured WAHM Interview with Shair of The Knit Wit by Shair!

This interview kicks off my WAHM Interview blog feature.  You might be wondering, do you qualify as a WAHM (work-at-home-mom)?  Well I think we all do!  Whether you are a mommy who works outside the home, runs a business from home, runs a blog or just plain stays home to care for your family, I think we're all working and motherhood is the most important job of all, therefore we're all WAHM's!  If you're interested in being interviewed please email me at shethinksmedia(at)gmail(dot)com. 

No without further delay, let me share with you my first WAHM Interview with Shair!

Tell me a little about yourself, your family, where you're located- I am a happily married mother of 3 young boys aged 4, 2, and will be 1 on March 2nd.  I love knitting, sewing, blogging and Nascar 

What is the name of your store or blog and how did you get started- My store name is The Knit Wit by Shair  and my blog is the same name http://theknitwitbyshair.blogspot.com I started my blog last June because my friend started one and I loved reading hers, so I thought I would start one.  From there, I decided  to start my shop as I had a lot of products I had made anyways, and having the widget on the side of my blog is good exposure for my shop.

Have you always been a wahm or did you previously work in some other field? When I had my first son I stayed home for the first year for our 1 year of maternity leave, and then I went back to work as a Personal Assistant and Office Administrator.  After having my 2nd, I just stayed home, and then when we had our 3rd I decided I needed to start earning money, and trying to save some money where possible.  So the blogging started.

What's the most fun part about being a wahm?  Getting to stay home and play with my boys, and still have some income!

If you make items or just sell retail, what are your favorite items to make/sell and why?  My favourite item to make is my knitted baby blankets, as I can always imagine a Mommy snuggling her little brand new baby in one of my creations.  I also know that the babies I have made them for as gifts have fallen in love with them and drag them around!  That makes me so happy!

Do you have any goals for your wahm business in the future? My first goal would be to get 10 sales on etsy, and I currently have 2.  My long-term goal is to have my shop generate enough income to reach an amount that my DH and I have set as my goal to bring in for the year.

If you could give a mom looking to try and start a new wahm business and/or blog once piece of advice what would it be?  For bloggers, be true to who you are and write from your heart.  Make friends with other bloggers, and help promote other blogs, along with your own, and you will see how it comes back to you!

Visit Shair's shop today and help her reach her goal of 10 sales on etsy!
You can also Follow Shair's Blog The Knit Wit by Shair, Favorite her etsy shop The Knit Wit by Shair and become her Fan on FaceBook!

Shair is also looking for Sponsors for a HUGE Mothers Day event that she's hosting.  Check out this link for more details and contact her for more info and/or to sign up as a sponsor!


Unknown said...

Lovin' the Knit Wit!!! Thanks for the great feature!

Unknown said...

I would love to be featured on your blog as well!

Jade Rahl said...

New follower from the blog hop. Please check out my blog and follow back :)